Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fischbowl Post

I read the August post of the Best of Fischbowl 2007. It was titled "Creating Personal Learning Networks: Part 1." I thought this post would be very relevant since it's one of the things Dr. Strange wants us to do. This blog focused on how teachers can help students create a personal learning network, so it's extra helpful because it gave me ideas to use when I become a teacher. The author talks about a Language Arts teacher who is assigning the students a semester long project. They have to have a blog and they have to have an RSS Reader. She gives them a list of things that they have to subscribe to, then they can subscribe to whatever else interests them.

Another part of the assignment is that the students have to share interesting articles that they find throughout the semester. This assignment is great especially for language arts, but it would be an amazing experience for all students. The students practice reading, thinking, writing and presenting, not to mention that the topic will be something that is interesting to them. Students are also practicing, "Critical thinking skills [and] information literacy skills." All of these skills are important for every student to have.

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